Hester Jeffrey Marker

Letter from Judy Wellman, NCWHS Vice-President and NY State Coordinator, NVWT:

Dear Rev. Blue, Robin Nowell (a.k.a. Hester Jeffrey), and so many others who participated in the dedication on Sunday of the National Votes for Women Trail marker for Hester C. Jeffrey at Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church on Clarissa Street in Rochester. We are so, so glad to see Mrs. Jeffrey receive this honor. As a nationally important woman suffragist, club woman, friend of Susan B. Anthony (she raised money for several stained-glass memorial windows, including the first public monument to SBA after her death), and a key member of AME Zion Church, Mrs. Jeffrey was a nationally important figure, whose influence reached far beyond our own region.

Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this marker a reality, including members of Memorial AME Zion Church under Rev. Derrill Blue, Arneska Harvey, Susan Goodier for her research, Robin Nowell (who re-enacted Mrs. Jeffrey at the marker dedication), representatives of the Susan B. Anthony Home, and so many others.

Attached is an article from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle announcing the dedication, as well as an article from the National Trust for Historic Preservation about the National Votes for Women Trail. Sponsored by the National Collaborative for Women's History, this Trail includes a database of over 2000 names of suffragists across the country, with more than 200 markers provided by the William G. Pomeroy Foundation. April Franklin, from WXXI public radio, also attended the dedication. Stay tuned for her story!

It has been an honor to work with you all.
Gratefully yours,
Judy Wellman

Photos by Mary-Kay Belant:

  1. Hester Jeffrey marker in front of Memorial AME Zion Church
  2. Jeffrey marker with Rev. Derrill Blue, Colleen Hurst (Susan B. Anthony Home), Robin Nowell (Church Historian, a.k.a. Hester Jeffrey), Judith Wellman (National Collaborative of Women’s History Sites)
  3. Jeffrey marker with Rev. Derrill Blue, Professor Susan Goodier, Robin Nowell, Judith Wellman
Hester Jeffrey Marker
Hester Jeffrey Marker
Hester Jeffrey Marker